TMJ Treatment Huntsville, TX

Understanding TMJ disorder, its symptoms, and effective treatment methods

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders present a challenge in dentistry. It can cause significant discomfort and interfere with everyday functions like eating and speaking with patients. This complex disorder can also lead to tooth damage that requires extensive treatment.

There are many TMJ symptoms, some of which can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. They range from jaw pain and discomfort to difficulties in chewing and speaking. Dr. Keyshla Escobar and Dr. William Jennings offer comprehensive TMJ treatment in Huntsville, TX, for patients who suffer from TMJ pain and discomfort. They also offer restorative dentistry treatments to new and existing patients in Huntsville, Texas. 

TMJ Treatment in Huntsville, TX

What is the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)?

The temporomandibular joint is a crucial structure located on each side of your head, directly in front of the ears. These hinge joints connect the lower jawbone (mandible) to the skull (temporal bone). It functions as a complex hinge and sliding joint that allows us to do various actions such as biting and chewing food, talking, yawning, and making facial expressions.

The TMJ is supported by muscles and ligaments that allow the jaw to move smoothly up and down, side to side, and forward and backward. This unique versatility makes it one of the most complex joints in the body. It is essential for the daily functioning of the mouth and jaw.

Understanding TMJ Disorder

The temporomandibular joint connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. The exact cause of a TMJ disorder can be difficult to determine and may involve several factors. But it will lead to pain in your jaw joint and the muscles controlling jaw movement. The most obvious causes of TMJ disorder include:

  • Injury to the jaw
  • Arthritis
  • Erosion of the joint
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth
  • Stress causes tightening of the facial and jaw muscles

TMJ Symptoms

Recognizing the symptoms of TMJ disorder is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. If you suffer from these symptoms of TMJ, please contact us to book an appointment today. These symptoms and signs of TMJ include:

  • Pain in the jaw, ear, face, or neck
  • Limited ability to open the mouth wide
  • Jaws that get “stuck” in the open or closed position
  • Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite

Comprehensive TMJ Treatment in Huntsville, TX

Huntsville Family Dental focuses on providing TMJ treatment that will relieve pain and restore normal function. If you are showing signs of TMJ issues, your dentist will examine your teeth and jaw and discuss your lifestyle habits. If Dr. Escobar or Dr. Jennings suspects TMD, they can suggest a treatment to help you find relief from your TMJ pain.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral appliances are much like sports mouthguards. They are custom-designed to fit in your mouth so they feel snug and comfortable. The plastic mouthpiece is worn during sleep to help you stop grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw. The purpose is to protect your teeth from further wear or damage due to constant teeth grinding or jaw clenching.
Patients who wear the oral sleep appliance often report feeling better rested, have less jaw pain, and experience fewer headaches. We can fit you for a custom nightguard to use an effective treatment for TMJ in Huntsville, TX. To learn more about the TMJ mouthguards we offer, see Custom Mouthguard.

Other common treatment methods include:

  • Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Physical therapy
  • Counseling or cognitive-behavioral therapy

Schedule a Consultation for TMJ Treatment in Huntsville, TX

Are you looking for a dentist office that offers TMJ treatment in Huntsville, TX? Schedule an appointment today with Huntsville Family Dental if you think you may be suffering from TMJ disorder. One of our expert dentists will perform a thorough exam and discuss your medical history to identify the underlying cause to recommend appropriate, lasting treatment. You can reach us at (936) 220-3158 or by requesting an appointment online.